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Labor Day: 5 quirky facts you probably didn’t know
/0 Comments/in NewsYou might think you know all there is to know about Labor Day, but we bet these five quirky facts will surprise you.
It’s like magic, but with phones!
/0 Comments/in NewsWith the KeepCalling App it’s easy to keep in touch with friends. It’s like magic, but with phones! And the rates dropped, check them out!
Of course I’m an Expat, I…
/0 Comments/in NewsWhat does it truly mean to be an expat? Beyond the stereotypes lies a diverse tapestry of experiences, each as unique as the individual who lives it.
Easter globetrotting: fun and unique traditions from around the world!
/0 Comments/in NewsEaster is on the horizon, and you know what that means – it’s time for a global adventure exploring how different folks celebrate this egg-citing holiday. Get ready to hop around the world with us as we uncover some seriously cool Easter traditions!
International Women’s Day: Honouring Incredible Women… and Their Parking Adventures
/0 Comments/in NewsTomorrow’s a special day – it’s International Women’s Day! A day dedicated to celebrating the incredible achievements, strength, and resilience of women all around the globe. With a twist!
Leap Day: Embracing the bonus 24 hours of fun & calls home
/0 Comments/in NewsWhether you spend Leap Day chilling on the couch, doing something adventurous, or simply pondering the mysteries of time and space, share it all over the phone with the people close to your heart.
Lower rates… because we love our community
/0 Comments/in NewsLower rates are the new red hearts all over the place. At least in Telecomland, where everyone’s swooning over the latest deals and discounts.
Love After Valentine’s: Embracing the Day After
/0 Comments/in NewsWoke up on February 15th and realized… oops, Valentine’s Day came and went, and you missed it. But fear not, friends, because love after Valentine’s Day can be just as sweet (if not sweeter).
Coming Soon: Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Nutella Day and Other Sweet Delights
/0 Comments/in NewsFebruary, often associated with love and romance due to Valentine’s Day, is just around the corner. You have to get ready for it, as it offers a sweet escape for those with a penchant for delicious treats. Recognise yourself in that?
Top 5 Countries for Digital Nomads and Expats in 2024 & Rate Changes of the Month
/0 Comments/in NewsHere are the top 5 countries for digital nomads that stand out for 2024. Also, helping you make any change easier, our rates just got a makeover, so you can make affordable calls, no matter where you are in the world.