Meet our Expat Heroes!
KeepCalling wants to know YOU better! That’s why we recently launched a campaign called “Be Our Expat Hero” through which we share our customers’ immigration stories.
Our brand new page called Expat Stories is dedicated to this campaign and presents interesting aspects connected to the lives of immigrants worldwide. We’ll begin this series with a few general facts related to our expat heroes:
- why they moved abroad;
- what they miss about their lives back home;
- how they stay in touch with their family & more.
Why did expats move abroad?
There are very many reasons why expats leave their home countries and we classified them into 6 big categories: better life (30%), job (19%), studies (13%), love (10%), adventure (9%), and family (7%). The remaining 12% of the expats we interviewed migrated for other reasons, such as better retirement or political conditions.
Of course, most people wanted to improve their lives and left for a foreign country in search of a better job or to pursue studies. Others followed their significant others or families, whereas there was also a group of expats who were mostly interested in a new adventure that would create unforgettable memories and stories worth telling their grandchildren.
How do they stay connected to their family?
Calling and the internet are the means expats use most frequently to keep in touch with their family and friends. KeepCalling is their favorite company for making calls and sending international top ups, due to the low rates, great quality and simplicity of the service. Immigrants also try to travel home whenever possible, depending on their time and financial resources.
What do immigrants miss the most about their life back home?
Most immigrants miss their family and friends and many also miss the food they could find in their home country. Other things people wish they still enjoyed are weather-related: warm weather, sun, snow, or seasons. There are also a few lucky people who don’t miss anything about their lives back home.
What do they like the most about their new lives?
Stability, financial comfort, and the opportunity to travel more are the main things immigrants enjoy about their current lives. They also appreciate the new people they met and the communities they discovered in their adoptive countries, which enriched their cultural perspectives.
Besides all the facts we’ve mentioned so far, what else do all these expats have in common? The fact that they chose KeepCalling as their connection to home. No one can explain this better than our customers themselves. One of them says “Great way to be in touch! It is cheap enough not to make me think twice if I want to talk to someone across the globe. I am not being robbed in form of connection fees, handling fees, and all kinds of other garbage. Nice and simple. Prices going down constantly. Reliable. Love it.”