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How to protect yourself and others against Coronavirus
/0 Comments/in NewsThe Coronavirus pandemic is a reality affecting everyone these days. Here are some measures we can take, to avoid being exposed and also to protect others.
4 False facts about St. Patrick’s Day
/0 Comments/in NewsHow much do we know about St. Patrick’s Day? Many popular known “facts” actually aren’t true. Here are at least 4 false facts about St. Patrick’s Day.
Calling or texting, which one is better?
/0 Comments/in NewsIf you want to establish meaningful relationships, we know the answer to the question: What is better, calling or texting? Calling all the way!
February rate drops & interesting stories
/0 Comments/in News, OffersCheck out the February rate drops available for several destinations, and start calling internationally. Also, find out more about February!
All the facts about LOVE you never knew
/0 Comments/in NewsLove is truly a ground worth exploring. Here are 8 facts about love that you may never have thought about, or were to in love to even notice.
3 Expat challenges and how to face them
/0 Comments/in NewsWhether you’ve already an expat or just thinking of moving abroad, you’ll be interested in these 3 expat challenges, and how you can face them.
New Monthly Plans for Israel and Australia!
/0 Comments/in NewsStart saving money with our 2 new Monthly Plans: Israel Unlimited and Australia 1000! Enjoy calling your favorite destinations.
January rate drops? Yes, please.
/0 Comments/in News, OffersIn this gloomy month, we have good news, the January rate drops are here! Check if your favorite calling destination is on the list.
Eager to make 2020 your year? Here’s how!
/0 Comments/in NewsA new year full of possibilities is ahead of us, so we should make the best of it. Here are some tips on how to make 2020 your year.
Unusual Christmas gifts ideas: to buy or not to buy?
/0 Comments/in NewsThis time, if you feel like doing something different, here are some Christmas gift ideas that can cheer up the holidays… for sure.