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August Rate Decreases for International Calls
/in NewsWhat’s the KeepCalling blog news you wait for breathlessly every month? It’s our rate decreases of the month, of course! Like every month, in August new rate decreases are waiting for you, too. Whether you’re on holiday or still stuck at work, we hope our good news will make your day brighter. Here are […]
How to Save Money on International Calls
/in News, TutorialsIf you’re living abroad or even just traveling extensively, I bet you know how expensive and hassling calling home can be. There are lots of cards, local providers, and internet services that claim they can help you make long distance calls that don’t cost a fortune, but choosing the best solution is always difficult. That’s […]
17 Fun Mobile Facts
/in NewsMobiles are definitely the most influential invention of the 20th century, since they made such an impact on our lives and have developed so much in the last few years. No wonder 47% of Americans consider them the object they could never live without! It looks like smartphones are here to stay! They come […]
The Best Things About Moving Abroad
/in Expat Stories, NewsMoving abroad is one of those life changing experiences that you’re ambivalent about: you’re very excited about it, but you also know it will be a difficult thing to do. As time passes, you grow accustomed to the change and start enjoying it more and more, but at the same time you’re still attached to […]
5 Tips to Beat Homesickness
/in NewsWhether your job requires you to travel a lot or you’re already an “experienced” expat, homesickness hits you too every once in a while. When this happens, you usually have 2 options: embrace it, hide from the world, and cry until it goes away or do everything in your power to survive it. In case […]
July’s international calling rate decreases
/in NewsOnce upon a time, there was a great telecom company called KeepCalling that used to lower their international calling rates every month, so that its wonderful customers could call home more and more often. The customers were happy they could feel closer to their loved ones and KeepCalling was happy it managed to bring people […]
How to use your mobile abroad
/in News, TutorialsWe’re living in a very mobile age, in which everything needs to be small, fast, and portable. We do everything on the run and we’re always on the go. The mobile phone has already become an extension of ourselves and it’s hard to imagine our lives without it. We check it tens of times a […]
Have a happy 4th of July with $2 calling bonus!
/in News, OffersHappy 239th birthday, USA! July 4th is the perfect time to let your patriotism shine. What you say and do, the way you dress and the way you celebrate, everything about you should express your love for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Whether you’re an American by birth or […]
What expats miss about home &
/in Expat Stories, Newswhat they love about their new life
In this episode of our Expat Stories series we are looking into the old vs the new, what expats miss about their old life at home and the things they love about the new life they began in their adoptive country. In order to do this, we interviewed our favorite expats, our own Expat Heroes. […]
Father’s Day gift for you & your dad:
/in News, Offers$2 calling bonus or 5% OFF any top up
Dads – a solution to all problems Remember when you had a very difficult maths test and your dad spent all evening helping you study and making everything seem much easier? Or remember when you were crushed because your high school sweetheart had dumped you and your dad cheered you up and helped you see […]