Movie Night for a Good Cause
KeepCalling likes to mix charity with pleasure so KeepCalling’s Charity Committee in charge with conducting the company’s CSR policy came up with the idea of hosting movie night fundraisers. The mechanism behind these movie nights is that the Charity Committee members pick a movie that employees are interested in seeing, choose a date for the after-hours screening, and provide snacks and drinks for the spectators.
After watching the movie and enjoying the treats, each spectator donates as much as he/she thinks fit. The fact that KeepCalling has already had 3 movie nights and is planning for more, shows that this innovative fundraiser is successful and appreciated by KeepCalling employees. The atmosphere is always cozy and friendly, so what’s there not to like about a relaxing afternoon at the office?
The funds collected this way have been directed towards educational charities, because education is one of KeepCalling’s favorite charitable destinations. The involvement of the company and its members in such actions is closely bound to KeepCalling’s motto: “Give something back to the community.”