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Settling and finding comfort when living overseas
/in NewsToday we’re hosting a guest post written by Alex Johnson, Marketing Specialist at Currency UK. Living overseas is a thrilling adventure, filled with excitement and opportunity. But even for the most experienced travellers, it can sometimes be challenging to settle in. It can be difficult, especially at first, to find comfort so far from home, which can be […]
Two Thanksgiving gifts to choose from: $2 calling bonus or 5% top up discount!
/in News, OffersIt’s Thanksgiving morning, our Facebook poll has ended, so here are your votes for the Thanksgiving gifts we proposed: Things got so close that we ended up with a tie! So, when taking your gift, you can choose between a $2 Voice Credit bonus and a 5% discount for a Mobile Recharge. Now you can […]
Vote for the best Thanksgiving gift & win $10 credit!
/in News, OffersThanksgiving week begins in full force! KeepCalling kick-starts the holiday season with a gift and a prize! The even better news is that YOU can vote for the gift you would like to receive. Are you ready? Calling, recharging, or becoming a hero? This Thanksgiving, we don’t just want to offer you a gift. […]
November Rate Decreases for Discount Phone Calls
/in NewsThe rates are going down in November too! We have absolutely smashing decreases for certain lucky destinations. Take for instance Uganda, enjoying an 8¢/min decrease or Tanzania, which is now 7.6¢/min cheaper to call. Do you plan to call Togo? Then we also have a nice surprise for you! It is now more affordable to […]
See how much you save on calls with KeepCalling!
/in NewsThat’s it, no more mystery! Now you can find out exactly how much KeepCalling can help you save on international calls. We introduce the… Savings Calculator! All you need to do is answer a few short questions about your current calling needs and spending, and, by pressing just one magical button, you’ll see how […]
1 gift and 5 other reasons to love Halloween
/in News, OffersEverybody loves Halloween! We know that because the spooky holiday keeps spreading every year, infecting people all over the world with the trick-or-treat bug. But what exactly are our reasons to love Halloween? We took the time to make a short list that you can find below. Oh, and you can also find a Halloween gift […]
October Rate Decreases for International Calls
/in NewsIn October, KeepCalling rates KeepDecreasing! But don’t take our word for it, check the list of the most amazing rate decreases we’ve prepared below. The list is long and your international calls will be even longer. Some of this month’s stars are Angola and Croatia, not to mention Lybia, with an outstanding decrease of 11.4¢/min! […]
Celebrate the first Día del Corazón Latino!
/in NewsThe latino population is not only numerous, but it’s also renowned for its big heart, joyful spirit, and honest friendliness. Let’s also not forget its energetic traditional dances! The conclusion is easy to draw: latinos have a strong personality. There are over 300 million latino hearts beating in the world and now there is one […]
FREE minutes for international calling on CS Week
/in News, OffersWhat day is it? It’s Wednesday. What week is it? It’s Customer Service Week! Between 5 – 9 October, the world turns its attention to all the CS agents who answer questions and resolve issues every day, while being understanding and courteous at the same time. Working in Customer Service is not an easy task, […]
Making calls to Pakistan, Colombia, China, or Romania? Here’s the good news!
/in has great news for everyone making calls to Pakistan, Colombia, Romania, or China on a regular basis. now offers new and more affordable monthly plans for these destinations to suit every need. All these novelties are already available on First of all, welcomes Pakistan and Colombia as new Monthly Plan destinations, […]