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Expat fears? What about them?
/0 Comments/in NewsAre you sometimes scared as an expat? That’s only natural, most expats have fears, big or small, more or less hidden. Big changes in your lives are the first scary steps to that new life you’ve been planning. And, of course, once you move abroad, things don’t always seem so shiny, on the contrary. At […]
6 reasons why you shouldn’t joke around with KeepCalling on April Fool’s Day
/0 Comments/in NewsSave money with a new Monthly Plan: Cuba 80!
/0 Comments/in News, OffersWhen it comes to saving money, we all have our good intentions. But you know how it is, we always postpone it to when the kids are all grown up and don’t need our help anymore or when the first raise enters our accounts. But why wait to save money? Make a change in your […]
St. Patrick’s Day, best time for fun & offers
/0 Comments/in News, OffersSaint Patrick’s Day is just a few days away. It’s the best time for fun & offers! Celebrating the patron saint of Éire is definitely something worth waiting for. And KeepCalling is adding a special offer to it. Stay tuned!
Amazing carnivals around the world
/0 Comments/in NewsCarnivals are truly magical times, aren’t they? The explosion of colors, music, the celebration mood that carnivals around the world get us into. You almost wouldn’t want it to end, right? But let’s remember its purpose. Hundreds of years ago, Catholics in Italy started the tradition of holding a wild costume festival right before Lent. […]
Tips to solve connection issues & other glitches
/2 Comments/in NewsBeing an expat is a thrilling adventure, but often the new life comes with some problems along. You know how it is: new place, new food and drinks and also new habits. And problems may not stop here. Common expat problems are loneliness, cultural differences, finding proper schools for children or learning the language. Not […]
Fewer days, more FUN facts about February
/0 Comments/in News, OffersIt’s the shortest month of the year, but February can still mean a lot of fun. Did you know these fun facts about February? Cubacel Bonus is one of them!
How to make free calls on Valentine’s Day
/0 Comments/in News, OffersWe’re helping you with your Valentine’s Day calls. $2 BONUS for a minimum order of $14 Voice Credit, placed until February 14. Also, join our Facebook contest for Voice Credit prizes.
Travel the world, but don’t forget to call home!
/0 Comments/in NewsIt’s not impossible to travel the world, even when it comes to the most inaccessible locations. For calling home while traveling, KeepCalling can help.
In the mood for some January price drops?
/0 Comments/in News, OffersThe holidays are long time forgotten, temperatures are low and the sun is not delighting us with its presence that much. To keep it short, its January. Apparently not the jolliest of them all, but still a month full of plans, expectations and hard work. So we guess you don’t mind if we come with […]