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Enjoy the Olympics 2016 like you used to!
/in NewsRemember the excitement we used to feel ahead of the Olympics when we were kids? It was the most important sports event in the galaxy and we couldn’t believe 4 years had already passed since the previous one. Where had time flown?! We used to wait impatiently for the event of the year. When […]
5 expat tips on landing your dream job
/in NewsDo you dream of getting a job in a foreign country? Have you recently moved abroad and you intend to (re)start your career? It’s a jungle out there, but we can help you with 5 of the best expat tips we could think of for getting the job you’ve been dreaming of and starting a […]
Try KeepCalling for only $2!
/in News, TutorialsThink about it! What can you get for $2 nowadays? A cup of coffee, a 90% off scarf, maybe a second hand book, or definitely lots of minutes for international calls. Looks like it only takes the price of a cup of coffee (and we don’t mean the fancy kind!) to help you call your […]
Rate decreases for Italy, Iran & 20 other destinations
/in NewsTo match the hot weather outside, this edition of rate decreases of the month brings you sizzling discounts! It’s getting easier and easier to share your summer plans with all your loved ones or just to complain about the heat with these low rates. Not only do we have 22 discounted destinations, but we […]
Start a business abroad in 6 steps
/in NewsAfter moving abroad, many people want to start their own business. Some of them even move for this exact reason. Being our own bosses is a dream for most of us and something we’d like to try at least once in this life. Wouldn’t it be nice to build plans by yourself, to make […]
Get a 5% Mobile Recharge Discount on July 4th
/in News, OffersThese days, America is busy getting ready for its favorite summer holiday. Are you ready for Independence Day?? On this special occasion, has prepared a refreshing one day offer: 5% OFF any international top up. In order to take advantage of this Mobile Recharge discount, all you need to do is place an […]
Record Rate Decreases for Calls to Italy, Myanmar & 20 More
/in NewsRemember January, when we announced a record number of rate decreases? Well, we now have even better news, because June is a new record month, as we present to you 22 significant rate decreases! Someone call the Guinness Book… Here are the destinations that now benefit from more affordable calls: Angola mobile: 9.9¢/min […]
Win $10 free credit to call your dad on Father’s Day
/in News, OffersRemember the time when your dad was there for you every step of the way? When he used to help you, support you, and tell you how proud he is of you? This Father’s Day, call your dad and tell him how proud YOU are of HIM. […]
Chinatowns of the world
/in NewsTo mark the Duanwu Festival, these days KeepCalling is celebrating Dragon Boat week. As you can see on our Facebook page, this week everything is about China. We’re showing you all the wonderful inventions China brought us as well as some things you can only see in the most populous […]
Top 20 most popular Mobile Recharge destinations
/in News, TutorialsMeet Mark! Mark is an American dad whose daughter lives on an island in Honduras. Since she doesn’t always have Internet access, her dad took the responsibility of always sending credit to her mobile. For a long time he looked for an easy, fast, and secure way to recharge her phone, in order to be […]