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New KeepCalling design, more to enjoy
/in News, is all about making a great choice, meeting your needs, providing a better calling service and wrapping low rates in the finest voice quality. With the new KeepCalling design, you save time and money on your international calls! We embrace change as we do diversity, so we kept all the things you love about […]
It’s time to call Greece
/in NewsWelcome to the KeepCalling Greek week. This is a series of stories about food, music, landmarks and even call rates. It will unveil the reasons why Greece is considered to be one of the most visited countries in the world. Be it the delicious Feta cheese, the beautiful Island of Crete or that unique music, […]
Movie Night for a Good Cause
/in CharityKeepCalling likes to mix charity with pleasure so KeepCalling’s Charity Committee in charge with conducting the company’s CSR policy came up with the idea of hosting movie night fundraisers. The mechanism behind these movie nights is that the Charity Committee members pick a movie that employees are interested in seeing, choose a date for the […]
KeepCalling promotes a healthy lifestyle through physical exercise
/in CharityIn our sedentary age, the importance of physical exercise is recognized all over the world. Exercise doesn’t only improve our physical health, but also contributes to our mental well being and to a harmonious, balanced lifestyle. KeepCalling is aware of all the benefits of exercise, this is why the company has supported many leisure or […]
“Bike or Walk to Work”
/in Charity“Bike or Walk to Work” is a charity initiative highly appreciated by all KeepCalling employees because it is the perfect combination between two values they cherish: exercising and volunteering. The project rewards both the volunteers and the beneficiaries, as it promotes exercising for a good cause. KeepCalling employees are encouraged to walk or ride their […]
Calling Nigeria this week?
/in NewsThe world-round tour we started a while ago is now making a stop at Nigeria. This is a good week to be calling Nigeria with KeepCalling. Did you know that you get 40 minutes of conversation to any mobile in Nigeria for just $2 worth of voice credit? And if you are using one of […]
Speed Dial your favorite numbers
/in News, TutorialsHow many international calls do you usually make every week? Is it to your mom’s, dad’s, best friend’s? How often do you call them? And how much time does it take you to dial? The average person is able to remember 6 to 7 numbers. There are, however, some exercises that can help you train […]
KeepCalling Customer Service 24/7 celebration
/in NewsAs we already announced, KeepCalling celebrates International Customer Service Week the following days. Some fun facts about our CS team are waiting for you on the KeepCalling Facebook and Google+ pages. When we decided to extend our operations to a 24/7 customer service marathon, the agents broke records after records on number of calls, emails […]
Get your Bonus on KeepCalling CS WEEK
/in OffersThis week, the KeepCalling Customer Service celebrates International Customer Service Week. You are invited to the party! Follow our Facebook or Google+ pages to join the celebrations. We will share with you some of the things that make the KeepCalling CS team special. For example, are you curious to find out what we have in […]
Who’s in for calls to Germany?
/in NewsWe dedicate this week to a special country, located in west-central Europe. Germany is famous for its beautiful architecture, great cars, Oktoberfest, a rich cultural history, notable people and…what else? Follow us on Facebook or Google+ and find out more interesting facts about Deutschland, or simply discover the lowest rates for calls to Germany. It is said that Germans are very punctual and so are […]