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5 ways to make your 2019 spectacular
/0 Comments/in NewsYou turned the page and 2018 ended in a flash. There’s a brand new year in front of you , and maybe it’s time to do all those things that you only dreamt of doing. The time is now. There is so much to choose from, as the world is, nowadays, a lot more accessible […]
Keep calling home for the holidays
/0 Comments/in NewsWith the holidays being so close, now is the time to check your options with KeepCalling, so you never run out of ways to feel close to home, even if being abroad. Choose the KeepCalling App or call through an access number, whatever suits your needs.
Surprise offers for talks and top ups to Cuba
/0 Comments/in News, OffersChristmas in Cuba is one of the most joyous occasions in the country. Since its comeback in 1997, Christmas is celebrated with great fun and festivity. So… feeling nostalgic about Christmas in Cuba, while being abroad? We’ve got just the thing, so you can easily keep in touch with your loved ones back home and […]
It’s time for Christmas GIFTS!
/0 Comments/in NewsIt’s coming, it’s coming… We’ve started our countdown for Christmas, so no time for long faces. Always look at the Christmassy side of life! This time of the year brings about a unique feeling: we’re all more compassionate, jolly and full of surprises. Speaking of surprises, here’s one for you. It’s time for Christmas GIFTS […]
Get the holiday season started with some rate decreases!
/0 Comments/in News, OffersIf you say late November, you say… the beginning of the holiday season! That time of the year is coming again, so you’ll be spending some extra time on the phone, chatting with those that you want to keep close, no matter the distance. We won’t be able to help with your “to do” list […]
Get your Thanksgiving gifts from KeepCalling!
/0 Comments/in News, OffersOn Thanksgiving we think about all the reasons to be grateful for in our lives. We celebrate the blessings of the year, including those that go right to your heart. Family and friends, love and peace are just a few that come to our minds in this very instant. Times of great joy are coming, […]
Expat communities in the US
/0 Comments/in NewsOne can meet expats all around the world. Still, the United States has been the top destination for expats since at least 1960, with one-fifth of the world’s migrants living there as of 2017. Nearly 44 million expats were living in the United States in 2016. This means more than 15 % of the U.S. […]
Grab your prizes from our Halloween contest!
/0 Comments/in News, OffersMonsters on parade, ghost gatherings, black cats crossing the street, witches parking their brooms for the big night… What’s your goosebump trigger for a fun Halloween party? KeepCalling is challenging your imagination and helping you out at the same time with a terrrrific Halloween contest on the KC Facebook page. So, get your boohoohoo mood […]
Tips to choose the perfect smartphone for you
/0 Comments/in NewsWant to buy a new smartphone? There are a lot of things to consider before actually picking one. Just think about what features are more helpful and best suit your needs and preferences, how much are you willing to spend on it and so much more. We can help you with some steps to follow, […]
Get your share of magic with the Triple Bonus from Cubacel
/0 Comments/in News, OffersIs there really any magic in the number “3”? The Holy Trinity, the three primary colours, the triangle, the three musketeers…Yes, the magic is there, all right. And we can give you one more example of perfection. The October Cubacel Triple Bonus! Recharging a mobile in Cuba between October 8-13 can bring you that (3 […]