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Join our Mother’s Day contest!
/0 Comments/in News, OffersMake Mother’s Day the perfect time to really show mom your appreciation for her unconditional love! Enter the KeepCalling Facebook page and join our special Mother’s Day contest. You too can win $10 Voice Credit!
Tello offers and surprises for its second birthday
/0 Comments/in NewsWe’re already celebrating TWO years together with Tello and it’s been quite a ride so far. And because we couldn’t have done it without our awesome customers that stood by our every decision and trusted our company, we’ve decided to share our joy and excitement with them…with some more Tello offers and surprises!
How to earn free credit
/0 Comments/in NewsDon’t think of yourself as a lucky kind? Never won the lotto, never won a romantic dinner in a radio contest, never found a four leaf clover to change your luck perspective? Don’t worry, with KeepCalling you earn free credit without having to chase your luck. You just do fun stuff like catching up over […]
Unlimited plans to call home
/0 Comments/in News, OffersThey say that as an expat your new home is not really a home, because your heart will always be somewhere else. But what if you could reach that “somewhere else” whenever you feel like, just by picking up the phone? You may not be there in person, but you sure can hear your loved […]
Change someone’s life with $25
/0 Comments/in Charity, NewsWe envision a world where all people hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others. That’s the first thing you’ll read about Kiva when you enter their web page. For those not yet familiar with Kiva, this platform facilitates loans for people in different countries with poor economy, who need funds to make their […]
Comfort foods to cure homesickness
/0 Comments/in NewsWhen you’re an expat and you’re feeling homesick, anything that reminds you of your home country and your dear ones gains a different weight than before. That’s how traditional dishes from back home now truly become comfort foods to cure homesickness. Of course that you have to try the local cuisine as well. Still, when […]
Win free international calls on Saint Patrick’s Day
/0 Comments/in NewsFeeling lucky on Saint Patrick’s Day? Go to our KeepCalling Facebook contest! Write a comment on our Facebook page, tell us why you feel lucky and you can win free international calls.
New Unbeatable Prices Spring into Tello
/0 Comments/in News, OffersThis spring, Tello Mobile announces new unbeatable prices that will satisfy every money savvy need. Not only you can customise your plan, but now plans get up to 35% drop in cost!
3 ways to help your expat kids adapt
/0 Comments/in NewsYour expat kid will adapt better to settling abroad by learning the language, making new friends, understanding the new culture, but also keeping in touch with his origins.
Price drop for international calls to Chile, Ghana, Italy & more
/0 Comments/in News, OffersExpats get lower rates for long distance calls to both landlines and mobiles. The most recent price drop for international calls brings good news for Chileans, Colombians and other expats.